Hello, my name is

Jimmy Zhen

I'm an accountant turned software developer. I enjoy building high performing applications with user-centric designs. See more below!


tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo
tools and language logo


prerender imageprerender imageprerender imageprerender image


A full-stack e-commerce website that allows users to buy and sell Yu-Gi-Oh cards from one another. The web app features user authentication, filtering, shopping cart, and payment processing.

React | SASS | Node.js | Express | Stripe | MySQL | JWT


A full-stack warehousing and inventory management application that allows users to view/add/edit/delete warehouses and inventories in the system. Features modal views and form validations.

React | Javascript ES6 | SASS | Node.js | Express | JSON


If you have any questions or want to chat, feel free to reach me through my email or any of my social media channels and I will get back to you as soon as possible.